Matanya’s Hope Gives a Big Thank You to Hamilton Southeastern High School

Students from Hamilton Southeastern High School in Fishers, Indiana gather for an International event to benefit the students of Matanya’s Hope
HSE, located in Fishers Indiana, can boast it is home to the World Connection Club. The Club’s leader and mentor teacher, Mrs. Vickie Lazaga promotes cultural sharing and global education to students from all parts of the world. Mrs. Lazaga and her assistant, Elaine Gunderson, meet with students once a month after school. Every meeting provides an opportunity for club members to learn about one student from a different culture. This student highlights the uniqueness of the people, food and customs they hold dear. Participants range from students who have lived abroad to those whose parents are from places outside of the USA. The meetings culminate socially as ceremonial costume, dance and unique food are enjoyed by all. What a wonderful way to learn about the world and promote global awareness!
With much thanks to HSE’s Principal Mr. Matt Kegley for his support, each year, the World Connections Club presents an International Night. They feature a talent show from around the world where the students themselves are the talent and showcase their native costumes, song, dance and other unique forms of entertainment. Everything from dances of India and Ireland, to ballads from Mexico fill the stage. The entertainment is wonderful and is followed by a ballroom sized buffet of food from all around the world! Parents and students conclude the evening together as they socialize and feast on these cuisines. So do Michelle and I! It is such a treat!
Over the past 5 years, proceeds from HSE”s International Night have been generously donated to Matanya’s Hope. In addition, students have organized annual drives to collect school supplies, shoes and backpacks for our kids in Kenya. These students demonstrate exceptional compassion for others at risk.
I would love to see this program replicated in school environments nationwide. What a wonderful way to promote learning and service. This year HSE raised over $1300.00 to help our mission.
It has been a blessing and an honor to meet with these students and witness the unfolding of their ideas and passions as they develop into life changing action. On behalf of each of our students in Kenya, Matanya’s Hope salutes you World Connections Club.
Ann Thomson, Vice President
Michelle Stark, President
Matanya’s Hope

Hamilton Southeastern High School donations filled our vehicles! On behalf of every soul you touch through your generousity and love, we humbly say: thank you!