The road towards success does not require that I have the best clothes, but asks only that I have a steadfast dedication towards my dreams. Thank you Matanya’s Hope for believing in me.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness but even the smallest flicker of light will always find a way to shine.
Hate cannot drive out hate but love will encourage the greatest joy.
Your donations have given us hope in life.
Surely I lack words to thank you for your love and for your overwhelming support towards me.
Your kindness has no measure. It comes as a gift from heaven granting us peace which the world can not give.
Thank you, Matanya’s Hope for positively impacting so many from my generation. We were hopeless and now we have hope. Thank you for investing in our education.
Thomas Muriithi
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Send check to: Matanya’s Hope PO Box 562 Homewood, IL 60430
Every dollar makes a difference in the life of a child in need.