Monthly Archives: October 2015

Patrick Speaks Out
Dear Friends and supporters of Matanya`s Hope,
It’s now two weeks since she left……the distance….the isolation….the love…..I am missing the love, the talks, the laughs and so much more…..it makes me want to write this. I miss the work we did together….Loving the kids, inspiring them, giving out donations…..it’s part of my life I will live to remember…..yearn for – for as long as I live. To be very honest with you, she is the friend I have been so close to…..The one I have loved with all of my heart. I REALLY miss you Michelle.
I can’t and I should never forget to thank Ann Thomson, Jonah Blumenthal (jonah fish), Quincy Mcknown(Wambui), Beldina Nyatich(Beltowel), Michael Mutua and Christine Muthoni for finding time to be in this year`s mission. Walking with us in this journey to make the world a better place for all of us. Michelle, what can I say about you!!! You are incredible. The partner I never had. I love you. YES I DO.
Ann, you are an angel. You discovered Obadiah – God used you to transform the young life. May God always bless you!
Quincy, you are a miracle. Think of Nancy. Think of her life now and before she met you. It`s full hope and revived dreams. Your coming to Kenya was for Nancy and for us. You blessed us. You are amazing.
Jonah, no word can best describe the place you occupied in my heart. You are a friend – a brother…….I miss you. I am thinking of you. Thank you for being my partner in the mission. Thank you for loving the kids with a lot of enthusiasm. You touched Lawrence`s life. You made an impact. I am looking forward to seeing you soon – Sharing more time with you.
Beldina, you are another miracle. You are a beautiful soul – full of love and integrity. You have been blessed with a heart that is open to love everyone. This is a virtue in you that really blessed the MH.
Michael, Thank you for being a driver and a tour guide – all in one. I admire the fact that you know almost every cool place in Kenya.
To all the donors, I can`t mention all of you by name. I really want to mention those I can`t remember but I won`t. I know – for sure- that whether you name was repeated in the donations a thousand times or just once, you all gave fro0m from your heart. You all sacrificed what you had for someone else. Thank you.
We acknowledge your participation in this year`s mission. It was of the best mission Michelle has for years. I want to assure you that we did our best in honoring the integrity of MH. We made sure that every single gift – however small – wet to the person who needed it most even moral support has been a great blessing. I remember a day that Michelle insisted we drive for 5 hours on a dusty, bumpy (you may have no idea what a bumpy road is until you have been here!) road to deliver 3 exercise books to a student. The books had been donated by the student`s sponsor. When I asked her why, this is what she had to say, ‘’Patrick, it is my responsibility to ensure that every single gift and donation reaches those it was meant for. I know that it cost us fuel and time but I have to protect the integrity of MH.’’

In addition to her sponsor gifts, Linet receives 3 revision books she requested to aid her in her studies.
When I saw the smile on the recipients face, I also understood. I remembered the times Michelle came to deliver “my gifts”. How far did she travel to do so? Did I ever know? This reminded me of the joy that comes with seeing Michelle visit you at school. Given the chance, I want to do this over and over again. I want to see these smiles on more faces. I want to be a God`s vessel – that Her can use me to give hope to the hopeless (I can`t give hope but He can work through me to speak hope to others – just like he used –and is still using- Michelle Stark, Tom and Karen Aldrich, Bob Selent and others to shine hope in my life. To assure me of a better future.
I want all of you to know that every coin, school supply, shoe, blanket, toothbrush, clothing and the rest that you donated was highly appreciated by the MH and the kids that received them.
Please know that every single item you donate reaches the needy. Thank you for helping us love these kids. I know it’s a huge SACRIFICE that you are making in your own lives. Please Know it in your heart that you are transforming someone`s life, who very well may have felt hopeless without you. Together, you and I can make the world a better place.