A while ago, I became a part of Matanya’s Hope. As I became involved with the organization, I began to be immersed in the community as well. From the first time I’d heard of MH, I’d always been in love with its concept and mission, but what’s awesome was how intimately connected we were with the children and teens from a country far away. when Michelle connected me with some of the students involved in the program in Kenya, things really clicked for me. Through chatting with them over the Internet and on Facebook, I began to understand some of their situations they were in–the goals they had, the struggles they faced, and their opinions on certain things in life. I especially had a lovely time chatting with a student named Vincey Kailey who was incredibly smart and completely wowed me with his story. He worked hard as a student, individually and with the help of Matanya’s Hope, and now he’s studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance in the University of Nairobi in Kenya.

Vincey Kailey
What’s your story?
“There is a date I remember: January, 2000. It was the year when I started my schooling days at a small public primary school called Kaubau Primary School. I started my formal learning not in my mother tongue language but purely in English and Swahili–I started to pronounce alphabet, words and numbers in English in primary school.
Every day, I had to walk about six miles to school, on a gravel road, from as early as 6.00 a.m. in the morning. I’d return home around five to six in the evening. In the morning I would only have a cup of porridge made of finger millet and maize flour, a rare thing we had in our family and a blessing whenever we had it. I never even dreamt of shoes, because my parents could only afford simple rubber slippers and when the slippers tore apart, then that meant I had to walk barefooted to school. Belts were nice to have but the reality was I never had one. The only belt I knew was to tighten my school shorts in a plastic string, which I also used for my school bag. When I walked to school, I always put my school books in a plastic bag, tuck inside of my at backside of my school white short and tied the end parts of my school tightly
In 2006, I transferred to Nkubu Victory academy, which was about twelve miles away from home. I was happy to be in the academy, but was challenged by the curriculum. I struggled a lot, but after I spoke with the Director, Mr. Gatobu, I manned up and followed his advice to study hard, and sometimes sacrifice some nights of sleep for results. Finally, at the end of the term examination, I realized the results of hard work, I emerged number one at class position and that’s the only way that motivated me to work harder was to maintain the position with stiff competition in our class. I was eventually appointed as class prefect.
Every day, I had to walk about six miles to school, on a gravel road, from as early as 6.00 a.m. in the morning. I’d return home around five to six in the evening.
I met Michelle Stark in 2008, during one of the hard times in Victory academy. We were in a difficult situation, and struggling to make ends meet. l was privileged to be in Matanya’s hope sponsorship program. Matanya’s hope is dedicated and focused on eradicating poverty by educating the needy and bright children, as well as providing other life sustaining programs and opportunities. One thing for sure is that Matanya’s Hope Organization is keenly objective to its mission, purpose and vision; saving the world one child at a time. Through: relieving the heavy burden of school fees, installing storage water tanks, and mentoring and inspiring those with no hope to prosper, hundreds and thousands of needy children their lives was never the same again, including myself.
I’m grateful to Matanya’s hope for very kind donations to less fortunate, less privileged disabled, needy, orphaned and to me. Since I met Matanya’s hope, I have been able to continue with studies all the way from primary school, secondary school and here I am in university pursuing a degree course! This is an achievement that otherwise could never be realized. Besides all that could never be possible without the support of very kind sponsors—I am so privileged and blessed to have them, I have been able to receive school fees, wonderful gifts and packages from Brogan Sienna and Kailey. They took great care and responsibility of my well being,progress and follow-up. Matanya hope has played a huge role of bridging communication between my sponsors, and me. Matanya’s has and still is working really hard with persistently checking in on the progress and wellbeing of children, and offering right advisory to many needy children particularly students. This has greatly enhanced oneness, honesty, accountability, transparency and love among the students and their sponsors.”
What does education mean to you?
“Education means a lot to me. I believe that, it is through it i will make my dreams come to a reality,to live a bright future, lead a happy life and enjoy the good things the world has to offer; a great job, a good social reputation and definitely an ability to keep up with world and become an active member of the society and participate in the ongoing changes and developments.
When Mr. Gabotu appointed me as the class prefect back in Victory Academy, it changed my life. It was a responsibility, a privilege and an honour as it paved way to be a leader. That’s the reality of my primary school life. I’m always grateful for what I have and I treasured it most. I learned a lot from this simple way of acquiring a formal education with family problems, struggling with school fees and anxiety of what will happen next. Education is a blessing. For me, education is a must for a promising and secure future and a stable life.”