For 9 years Matanya’s Hope has ministered to our children – loving them, encouraging them and breathing HOPE into their hearts and souls.
Today, the gift was returned to us tenfold when graduate Charles Maina shared his own heart and experience with Mark Maina as they discussed university curriculums and life paths.
As a small boy, Charles and his brother were left to fend for themselves. Surrounded by drunks and drug lords, Charles always knew that he would make it out of that place and would get educated. He just did not know how.
When Matanya’s Hope presented Charles with a full academic scholarship to a boarding school, he could hardly believe his ears! He welcomed 3 warm meals a day in replacement for the hunger he once knew and learning became exciting for the first time.
After graduating high school, Charles was accepted to a college program whereby he studied procurement and after graduation, he secured employment within the banking industry.
During our conversations – and With a smile from ear to ear, Charles told me, “I never knew this could happen to me: Charles. But here I am. I have a good job. I am happy. I live well”….”After I help my brother, I will help another child who is like I was. Surely, I must do that.”
Mark Maina soon joined me at the table – eager to share stories after our 9 months apart. This gentle and kind man reminded me of the times he was lost and hopeless. But a newborn gentleness and faith flowed in our conversation. “I am a patient man”, he told me. “I must join university but God knows the right time.” “I want to study well and become a CPA. I know I can do it. I will do something to help this country of mine.”

Mark Maina expresses to mentor, friend and Matanya’s Hope colleague, Charles Maina, that he is determined to become a CPA and to help another needy child.
I knew that Charles and Mark had to talk. It was as if their stories were woven from the same tapestry. Within moments They forged a mentorship that will probably carry them far into the next chapters of their lives. But for now – we at Matanya’s Hope are humbled by the graces that God continues to shower on our students. Hope is something that so many of us take for granted…. but to be born poor – unwanted – hungry and alone is no joke.
Our children in Matanya’s Hope are blessed by your participation in this program. Whatever walk of life they come from, one thing is for sure… they know now that God has a purpose for them – and they know that they are loved.
Much thanks to every sponsor and donor – and to everyone who prays for our mission and our kids! Together, we are changing the world. Just ask Mark and Charles!
From Kenya –